Thursday, May 31, 2018

Career Criminal Radicalized in Prison Kills Two Police Officers in Belgium

The recent Belgian terror attack demonstrates the reoccurring pattern of Islamic terror plots carried out by individuals radicalized in prison. Benjamin Herman was a career criminal on a temporary release program from prison. Hours after being released, he stabbed two Liege police officers and then executed them in cold blood with their own service weapons. Herman also shot and killed Cyril Vangriecken, a 22-year-old school custodian. He is suspected of having murdered a fourth individual, Michael Wilmet, a former prison cellmate, prior to the attack on the police officers. Liege terrorist' gunman, Herman, was released two days after a prison guard warned officials that he was radicalized. The list of recent terror cases involving ex-cons continues to grow and includes cities like Barcelona, Berlin, Copenhagen, London, Paris, and yes, here in the United States as well.
Read complete article here...

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