Ask the average U.S. taxpayer if they would give money to an organization that is openly racist and anti-Semitic and you would get a resounding "No" And yet that is exactly what has happened, with the Nation of Islam receiving federal funds to operate within the U.S. prison system. This despite the fact that the organization and its leader Louis Farrakhan have a called Jews "bloodsuckers" and white people "devils." What possible rehabilitative value could this type of hate speech or ideology have for an individual in prison? It only gives him another group to hate or blame for his misfortune.
According to Bureau Of Prisons regulations cited in a 2004 Inspector General's report on Muslim chaplains, regarding the vetting of contract workers, "...a contractor or volunteer will be dismissed based on any credible evidence that the person has potential ties to any terrorist-affiliated organizations or individuals; advocates racism or violence."
What more does the BOP need before determining that the Nation of Islam crossed this line? Read the complete story in IPT News...
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